
Showing posts from July, 2009


x 1. After means later than or following Example: Susan always sleeps after lunch x 2. After can mean behind in place or order Example: B is after A in the alphabet x 3. After means next to or lower than in importance Example: Lieutenants rank after captains x 4. After means with the name of Example: Saudi Arabia was named after Mohammad bin Saud x 5. After also means because of Example: After her rudeness to him, he never calls her again x 6. After can mean despite or in spite of Example: After his great success, he still wants more x 7. After means in pursuit of or in search of Example: The cat ran after the mouse x 8. After can mean following continuously Example: The bored lecture went on hour after hour More examples They always go to school after breakfast After the match they returned to the hotel Water was listed after juice on the menu Freshmen are after sophomores in seniority Washington Monument is named after George Washington After the worker's bad behavior, the boss f...


x 1. Above can mean in or at a higher place Example: A dark cloud was above the house x 2. Above can mean higher in rank, value, or power Example: A sergeant is above a private x 3. Above can indicate something written earlier in a book, article Example: See the instructions above x 4. Above also means more than Example: James is six inches above the average height x 5. Above can mean too good or honorable to Example: Mary is above cheating More examples Let's hang the picture above the sofa Her blood presure is above normal In the navy, a captain is above a commander Please follow the above tips The policeman is above cruelty Our friends live in the apartment above ours He values honesty above money The supervisor is above the workers The English books are on the shelf above the history books ملاحظتان هامتان تعينك على فهم حروف الجر ... 1. حروف الجر في الغالب إما معنوية أو حسية (ملموسة) مثلها مثل حروف الجر في اللغة العربية فنقول مثلاً (على): - ضع القلم على الطاولة (حسي) وهذا ما يسم...


x 1. About identifies a topic or concerning a certain subject This course is about prepositions x 2. About can identify the cause of an emotion or condition Example: We are excited about our vacation x 3. About can mean approximately Example: It's about nine o'clock x 4. About can mean in all parts of Example: Papers were scattered about the house x 5. About can mean to be ready or prepared to do something Example: The game is about to finish More example The news about sports was exciting The reports about the meeting are ready John loves tales about dinosaurs Mary often speaks about her adventures in India The students talked about nothing but the exams Do you worry about world problems Have you ever dreamed about being lost The dogs eat about a pound of meat a day The library is about three miles from the house The race is about to start

Prepositions حروف الجر

لماذا حروف الجر؟ الحقيقة أحببت التركيز على حروف الجر لأسباب متعددة: 1. لأنها في الغالب مهملة من قبل الكثيرين المتعلمين والمعلمين. 2. اعتقاد الكثيرين بأنها مشابهة تماماً لحروف الجر في اللغة العربية وهذا الاعتقاد غير صحيح. 3. تصنيفها في العادة في آخر كتب القواعد مما يجعل المتعلم يركز على بدايات الكتب التي تتحدث في الغالب عن الأسماء، الصفات، الأفعال ... إلخ 4. قلة الكتب المؤلفة فيها - سواءاً كتب أهل اللغة أو الكتب المترجمة – مقارنة بمواضيع القواعد الأخرى فكرة الدورة و آليتها: تتلخص فكرة الدورة في إعطاء درس شبه يومي عن حرف واحد فقط من حروف الجر مع ذكر أمثلة عليه ومن ثم اختبار بسيط إن أمكن للتأكد من إتقان استخدامات هذا الحرف ومن ثم الانتقال لحرف جديد و بعد الانتهاء من جميع حروف الجر ... نعرج على بعض المتعلقات بحروف الجر مثل المتلازمات اللفظية في حروف الجر سواء أكانت مع الأسماء ، الأفعال ، الصفات ومن ثم نَبسط القَول في الأفعال المركبة أو ما يسمى بـِ phrasal verbs

Learn English

أبنائى الطلبة والطالبات هذا الموقع الرائع بأمكانك ان تتعلم اللغة الانجليزية تحدثا و كتابة ... الموقع لجميع الاعمار بالمناسبة انت ضع الموس على الكلمة أو الصورة لتستمع للنطق بالانجليزي تفضلوا الموقع موقع جداً ممتاز فيه 40 درس لتعليم اللغة الانجليزية .. هذه الوصلة : وهنا موضوع اخر اسرار تعلم اللغة الانجليزية موضوع أكثر من رائع .. لتعلم اللغة بشكل افضل انا استفدت منه كثيرر وان شاء الله تستفيدو منه [السر الأول : [/Learn about word stress أي تعلم نبرة الكلمات . نبرة الكلمات والمقصود بها التشديد على بعض الحروف في الكلمة الواحده ، وتعتبر المفتاح الذهبي للتحدث بالإنجليزي وفهم هذه اللغة . وهي أفضل الطرق لفهم المتحدثين بها خاصة إذا صادفت أحد يتكلم اللغة الإنجليزية بسرعة . مثال لو أخذنا ثلاث كلمات : photograph , photographer , photographic هل نطقها متشابه ؟ لا ، إنما مختلف والإختلاف يكون في النبرة يعني في التشديد على بعض الحروف في الكلمة الواحدة ، حيث أن الكلمة الواحدة أحيانا تحتوي على مقطعين أو عدة مقاطع وبعض هذه ا...


BIGAMY What is the penalty for bigamy? Two mothers-in-law. * * * The man was weak and naturally unlucky, and so he got married three times inside of a year. He was convicted and sentenced for four years. He seemed greatly relieved. As the expiration of his term grew near, he wrote from the penitentiary to his lawyer, with the plaintive query: "Will it be safe for me to come out?" BIRTH The little girl in the zoölogical park tossed bits of a bun to the stork, which gobbled them greedily, and bobbed its head toward her for more. "What kind of a bird is it, mamma?" the child asked. The mother read the placard, and answered that it was a stork. "O-o-o-h!" the little girl cried, as her eyes rounded. "Of course, it recognized me!" BLESSING The philosopher, on being interrupted in his thoughts by the violent cackling of a hen that had just laid an egg, was led to express his appreciation of a kind Providence by which a fish while laying a million eggs t...

UK/US labels

UK only used in British English pavement, petrol station US only used in American English sidewalk, gas station mainly UK mainly used in British English, but sometimes in American English lecturer, rubbish, nightdress mainly US mainly used in American English, but sometimes in British English movie, apartment, semester also UK another word that can also be used in British English truck (also UK lorry) -‘truck’ is used in Britain and America; ‘lorry’ is also used in Britain also US another word that can also be used in American English railway (also US railroad) -‘railway’ is used in Britain and America; ‘railroad’ is also used in America

Usage labels

informal used when you are speaking, or communicating with people you know but not normally in serious writing brainy, freebie, goalie formal used in serious writing or for communicating with people about things like law or business examination, moreover, purchase very informal used when you are talking to people you know well, and not usually in writing. Some of these words may offend people, and this is explained in the entry. prat, barf, crap spoken a way of writing a word which is used in conversation yeah, hey, eh humorous used to be funny or to make a joke couch potato, snail mail literary used in books and poems, not in ordinary conversation beloved, slumber, weep old-fashioned not used in modern English – you might find these words in books, used by older people, or used to be funny gramophone, spectacles, farewell trademark the name of a product that is made by one company, but which has become used as a general word Coke

British and American pronunciation

Most words are given only one pronunciation, which is acceptable in British and American English. There are some regular differences between British and American English which are not shown for every word. The main ones are: In American English, the r in word such as hard or teacher is pronounced, and in British English it is silent. In American English, t and tt in words such as later and butter, are pronounced in a soft way, almost like a /d/ sound. Where there is a big difference between British and American pronunciation, both forms are shown. US is shown before an American pronunciation.

Strong forms and weak forms

Some common words (e.g. and, them, of) have strong forms and weak forms. The weak forms are more common. For example, in the sentence 'I saw them leave.', the weak form // would be used. The strong form is used when you want to emphasize the word. For instance, in the sentence 'They said they saw me, but I didn't see them.', the strong form // would be used.

Stress patterns

Stress patterns show you which parts of the word you should emphasize when you say them. / ' / shows the main emphasis on a word. For example, in the word picture //, you should emphasize the first part. in the word deny // you should emphasize the second part. /, / shows the second most important emphasis on the word. For example, in the word submarine /,/, the main emphasis is on the last part of the word, but you should also emphasize the first part of the word slightly. Compound words (words made of two or more separate words) have their stress patterns shown on them. For example, in the word ca'ssette re,corder, the main emphasis is on the second part of the first word, but you should also emphasize the second part of the second word slightly.


See also Study page: Gradable and limit adjectives and Study page: Order of adjectives. The comparative form of adjectives is used to show that someone or something has more of a particular quality than someone or something else. To make the regular comparative form, you either add '-er' to the end of the adjective, or use the word 'more' before it. The superlative form of adjectives is used to show that someone or something has more of a particular quality than anyone or anything else. To make the regular superlative form, you either add '-est' to the end of the adjective, or use the word 'most' before it. One-syllable adjectives usually form their comparative and superlative with '-er' and '-est' small, smaller, smallest Two-syllable adjectives can all form their comparative and superlative with 'more' and 'most'. complex, more complex, most complex Some two-syllable adjectives can use '-er' and '-est' to...


Regular verbs add the following endings: for the 3rd person singular add '-s', or '-es' to verbs that end in '-s', '-ss', '-ch', '-x', and '-z' for the present participle add '-ing' for the past tense and the past participle add '-ed' pack, packs, packing, packed For verbs ending in '-e', take away the '-e' before adding the present participle, past tense, and past participle endings. hate, hates, hating, hated For verbs ending in '-y', for the present participle take away the '-y' and add '-ies', and for the past tense and past participle take away the '-y' and add '-ied'. cry, cries, crying, cried

Nouns and plurals

Most nouns form their plural by adding '-s'. chair, chairs plate, plates Nouns which end in '-s', '-ss', '-ch', '-x', and '-z', make their plurals by adding '-es' mass, masses match, matches Nouns which end in a consonant (e.g. m, t, p) + '-y', form their plurals by taking away the '-y' and adding '-ies' baby, babies university, universities Some nouns which end in '-f'or '-fe' form their plurals by taking away the '-f/-fe' and adding '-ves' wife,wives thief,thieves There are some irregular plurals man,men woman,women mouse,mice child,children