
Showing posts from August, 2009

Challenging Riddles

Find the 9 gram marbles riddle There are ten bags containing marbles. Each bag has at least 10 marbles in it. Nine of the bags contains only marbles weighting 10 grams each. One of the bags contains only marbles weighing nine grams each. Each bag has a different number of marbles in it. All of the marbles look exactly the same. The riddle is how can you know which bag has the nine gram marbles if the only device allowed to be used is a weighing scales which you can use only once? |answer|Call me. 41st president riddle President Clinton is listed as our 41st president, but only 40 men have held the office. Why? |answer| Call me Father/son riddle A man while looking at a photograph said, "Brothers and sisters have I none. That man's father is my father's son." Who was the person in the photograph? |answer| Call me Date riddle What happened in 1961 that will not happen again for over 4000 years? |answer| Call me Numbers riddle A man wanted to enter an exclusive club but...


1. Between indicates seperation of two people or things Example: I was sitting between Alan and Peter 2. Between can show connenction of two places Example: Route 239 goes between New York and Washington 3. Between can indicate a choice of Example: Mary has to choose between the two jobs 4. Between means not lower or higher in number Example: We have saved between three and four thousand dollars 5. Between means from a time to another Example: Don't call me between Thursday morning and Friday night becuase I'll be busy 6. Between can mean shared by Example: The pizza was equally divided between the two boys 7. Between means privately shared information Example: Just between you and me, I think Steve is greedy More Examples Linda sat between her two children Sami pressed the ant between two pages of a book the swing hung between two trees Susan divided the cake between her Kamal and Jim We only had seven dollars between us, so we didn't eat out I couldn't decide between ...

beside & besides

Beside 1. Beside means next to Example: Please come over here and sit beside me Besides 1. Besides means excepting Example: Everyone besides me is at the beach 2. Besides means in addition to Example: There will be six people coming, besides you and Peter


1. Beneath means under with a space in between and concealed by Example: My glasses were beneath the newspaper 2. Beneath can mean less worthy than Example: Because she is famous, she thinks her family is beneath her 3. Beneanth means not up to one's standards Example: She was a little wild, but committing a crime was beneath her Typical nouns after beneath related to no 3 breaking the law, adultery, committing a crime, gossiping, lying, murder, stealing, forgery, acting silly More Example They a picnic beneath the shade of a tree The mud was hidden beneath the first snowfall Acting silly was beneath the boss's dignity Lying to get a job was beneath her


1. Below means lower in number or degree than Example: You body temperature is below normal 2. Below can mean lower in rank or level than Example: In our company the supervisors are below the directors 3. Below can mean south of Example: The U.S.A is below Canada 4. Below also means unsuitable to the rank or dignity of Exmaple: Such petty behavior is below me More Examples Do not write below this line The temprature fell below freezing during the night Her marks in the exam were below average A private in the police force is below a sergeant Money should always ran below honor Skirts which are below the knees are indecent A captian is below a general The rainfall is below average this year Notice: The prepositions under, underneath, below and beneath have slight differences. We will discuss all of them later, if Allah wills


1. Behind means at the back of or in the rear of Example: He sat behind her 2. Behind can mean in a place or time that has been passed or left by Example: It's time to put your worries behind you 3. Behind can mean late or later than usual Example: The train is behind schedule 4. Behind means supporting or encouraging Example: The successful man had an ambitious woman behind him 5. Behind also means in pursuit of Example: The police were hard behind the escapees More Examples My friend sits behind me in class The trash can is behind the chair Ahmad's financial problems are behind him because he is rich I'm behind on my history reading Michael was two steps behind the lead runner Terry heard a car horn honking behind him on the highway Peter stood behind his friends when they were in trouble Alan's good personality is behind his success


x 1. Before means earlier than or ahead of place Example: We must leave before four o'clock x 2. Before can mean in a more important position than Example: She is so ambitious that she puts her job before her family x 3. Before can mean facing or in front of Example: The player had many adoring fans before him x 4. Before can mean in the future Example: The bride smiled as she thought of the happiness before her x 5. Before can mean in the presence of Example: I was told to appear before the judge MORE EXAMPLES If you arrive before us, please wait The students finished the test before the given time Summer began the day before yesterday Just before sunset, the message arrived A comes before B in the alphabet The cartoons come before the movie Alan gave a speech before the whole school The teacher stood before the class and lectured The troublemakers were called before the principal Good health comes before money Susan put her family before her new job


x 1. At can indicate location Example: The women are at the supermarket x 2. At At indicates a place of attendance Example: The children are at school x 3. At can indicate in the direction of; toward Example: The small boy threw a rock at the window x 4. At is used to express time Example: We are leaving at four thirty x 5. At can mean busy using something; working Example: I have been at the computer all day x 6. At can indicate a condition Example: Those two countries have been at peace for ten years x 7. At can indicate reaction Example: We were shocked at the condition of the classrooms x 8. At indicates a degree of skill Example: Your son is good at tennis, but not very good at hockey x 9. At can indicate a rate or level Example: Mary tries to buy everything at a discount x 10. At can indicate the highest possible degree in value Example: At least she comes to work every day More examples She was waiting me at the bus stop We aren't allowed to watch television when we are at d...


x 1. As means in the role of Example: John works as a mechanic during summer vacation More examples The family uses their extra bedroom as a study Alan uses his garage as a workshop Mary works as an interpreter at the hospital The perfume smelled as roses The gym is also used as an auditorium Peter volunteered as an ambulance driver You can use these verbs before the preposition AS act, choose, serve, substitute, use, volunteer, work


x 1. Around means in a circular direction or on a boundary of something Example: The family sat around the table and talked x 2. Around means here and there or near Example: The rumors going around the office aren't true x 3. Around means on or to the father side of Example: The park is around the next corner x 4. Around means about or at approximately Example: I'll see you around seven o'clock More examples: x We saw seventeen huts around the lake The desks formed a circle around the classroom She wore a ribbon around her neck She walked around the block Ten houses are being built around the neighborhood They drove all around city looking for their lost kid The pilot flew around the storm The garage is around the house to the right Around the hill you'll see the river They'll arrive around three


x1. Among means in the middle of or surrounded by Example: The baby crawled among his many toys x2. Among also means in the group, one of Example: He's among the best English teachers in Kingdom x3. Among expresses things shared by more than two Example: Divide the money among the five workers x4. Among also means with each other Example: The boys fought among themselves over the toys x5. Among means by cooperating Example: We should be able to raise the money among us x6. Among can mean with all Example: That hairstyle is popular among teenagers More examples: x She is like a bee among flowers He found the letter among his old papers The children were lost among the crowd He was chosen among the best football players of 21st century She is among the best students at English Deal the cards among all the players Distribute the food among the poor families We talked the problem over among ourselves Bowing is customary among the Japanese


X 1. Along means in a line or at a point next to the length of Example: We walked along the river to the town More examples She planted flowers along both sides of the driveway They saw no one along the way to town She lives in a house along the shore The signs along the highway were brightly lit She walked slowly along the road Carry on along this street until you get to the traffic lights We were driving along the King's Road

Ahead of

x 1. Ahead of means in fornt of Example: My friend arrived first, and was ahead of me in line x 2. Ahead of means before or in advance of Example: London is about five hours ahead of New York x 3. Ahead of can mean more advanced than The Japanese are ahead of us in their research More examples I could see the other car about half a mile ahead of us Sultan and Mohammad arrived a few minutes ahead of us Riyadh is about two hours ahead of Jeddah She walked alone ahead of the crowd The path ahead of him was dark We reached the airport ahead of you The project has been completed two months ahead of the schedule


x1. Across indicates the direction of movement from one side to the other Example: The man ran across the yard x2. Across on the other side of a place Example: My friend lives across the street x3. Across from means opposite or facing Example: My secretary sits across from me x4. Across can also means in every area of Example: People across the world are using the Internet More examples Sultan swam across the swimming pool It took an hour to row across the lake Layla walked across the park The mosque is across from my house She sliced across the top of the watermelon The baby crawled across the room Bookstores can be found across the country


x 1. Against means in a opposite direction to Meaning: The bird flew against the storm x 2. Against means in forcible contact with Meaning: Waves crashed against the shore x 3. Against means in hotstile opposition to Meaning: The citizen voted against the unjust law x 4. Against means contrary to Meaning: Stealing is against the law x 5. Against means as a defense or protection from Meaning: The kids were vaccinated against smallpox x 6. Against means as contrast, in comparison with Meaning: The red tie looks good against that blue shirt x 7. Against means touching, leaning on for support Meaning: The tired child leaned against her mother