
1. Between indicates seperation of two people or things
Example: I was sitting between Alan and Peter

2. Between can show connenction of two places
Example: Route 239 goes between New York and Washington

3. Between can indicate a choice of
Example: Mary has to choose between the two jobs

4. Between means not lower or higher in number
Example: We have saved between three and four thousand dollars

5. Between means from a time to another
Example: Don't call me between Thursday morning and Friday night becuase I'll be busy

6. Between can mean shared by
Example: The pizza was equally divided between the two boys

7. Between means privately shared information
Example: Just between you and me, I think Steve is greedy

More Examples

Linda sat between her two children
Sami pressed the ant between two pages of a book
the swing hung between two trees
Susan divided the cake between her Kamal and Jim
We only had seven dollars between us, so we didn't eat out
I couldn't decide between chocolate and vanilla ice cream
George had to choose between the red and the white tie
The path between the cottage and the lake was steep
The hall between the front and back doors was narrow
The temperature has been between 40 and 49 degrees all summer
There is a big difference between Japanese and Saudi customs

Notice: Between can sometimes be used of more than two when the people or things are considered as individuals , espcially when it relates to sharing things
For example, We ate all the chocolates between us


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