Sometimes, the words we use when we speak aren’t
effective when we use them in writing. This chapter
discusses the difference between spoken and written
English, informal language, wordiness, and precise
Grammar concepts to know:
• colloquial [ka LOW kwee ‘l], colloquialism [ka
LOW kwee ‘l izm]—an informal word or phrase
used in conversation, but not appropriate for business
communication or other formal writing
• active voice—a sentence in which the subject
(underlined) is performing the action of the verb
(John read the letter.)
• passive voice—a sentence in which the subject
(underlined) receives the action of the verb (The
letter was read by John.)
Written language makes a permanent impression,
one that can’t be changed by rephrasing the words the way you can
in a conversation.That’s why it’s important to think carefully before you write.Take
a look at the note on the following page.What kind of an impression will it make?
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